Beginning in 2017, we set out to repurpose land and water at our location, Eden West Ranch, in Cotopaxi, CO. Having spent most of our life in Fort Worth, Texas working in industry, we went to work laying out fields, determining watering capabilities and trying different lavender cultivars. Wanting to use water conservatively, we chose lavender because of its drought-tolerance. And deer do not mess with it.

Several thousand plants later, propagating our own plants now and learning something new daily, we especially enjoy playing in the dirt and caring for these amazing plants. Harvest time is the best time, and a true lesson in sowing into something with everything you’ve got. Even our young, adult children have moved here over the past few years to help us, after planting and seeing the fruit of their labor.

We hope you love lavender as much as we do. As former suburban gardeners in a much warmer climate zone, we have taken on the wide temperature swings, gophers, field bindweed and wind, to bring you higher elevation lavender. Sharing with others about this ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of a plant, creating economic growth for our local community, and doing what seems impossible some days, motivate us to keep on keeping on. We appreciate very much our loyal customers and encouragers.