Terms and Conditions

How do I cancel an order?
We allow cancellations within 24 hours of placing your order. Please contact us to cancel your order. The exception to this is if you place an order anytime on a Monday or anytime before 11:00 am MST on a Tuesday. In that case, we request cancellation notification within 1 hour of placing your order. This is in order for us to ship on time to get everyone else their products. No Refunds will be issued once shipment occurs.

What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal. We don’t accept personal checks or money orders.

How do I track my order?
Once your package ships, we’ll email you with tracking information.

Do you ship internationally?
We currently do not ship internationally, or to Alaska and Hawaii.

What happens if my order is damaged or missing?
We can issue a refund or replace your missing, incorrect, or damaged items within 15 days of purchase. Please check your order as soon as possible. If anything is missing or incorrect, please contact us. It helps if you have your order number and a list of the items.

If your order is damaged, please take photos of the items, box, and labels and email it to us. If you choose a replacement, we’ll ship it to the original shipping address. If a package is sent to an incorrect address and returned to us, you are responsible for the cost to ship it again.

Are your products tax exempt?
Many states are now requiring taxes for online purchases. If you are tax exempt and have a valid state permit, please send a copy to us. 

How do I return items?
Because the majority of our products are for personal use and product integrity is important to us, we do not accept returns. If you are unhappy with your purchase, we would love the opportunity to make it up to you - so please contact us and provide your telephone number so that we may reach out to you.

What shipping methods do you offer?
Orders are shipped Monday and Tuesday to capitalize on the major carriers shipping time estimates and to minimize products sitting in a warehouse over the weekend. Orders must be received no later than 11:00 AM MST on Tuesdays. Orders placed after that time will ship the following Monday and Tuesday. Major holidays like Christmas and Labor Day are not included in transit times. We have different shipping options as described below:

  • USPS Priority Mail - Normally takes 2-3 days for delivery for Colorado and neighboring states, and up to 4-5 business days in other parts of the country. Please be aware that in spite of everyone’s best efforts to ship within reasonable expectations, COVID-19 has bottled necked the normal process. If you desire a definite window of delivery, please select UPS Ground, UPS 2nd Day or 3-Day Select, or USPS Express Priority.

  • UPS Ground - Normally a 2-5 day delivery time frame, depending on your location. Please keep in mind that our location is remote in the mountains so delivery time and pricing varies.

  • UPS 2nd Day or 3-Day Select - Where available, delivers in 2 - 3 days when your order ships Tuesday of that same week. This means you will get your package by Friday. 3-Day Select isn’t offered in all markets because UPS Ground is a better rate and delivers sooner than 3-days.

How long does it take for my order to ship?
Our processing time is usually 1-2 days, not including holidays and weekends. During the holiday season it can be up to 7 days.

Do you gift wrap and ship to a third party?
We hope to offer this as a standard option at checkout in the near future.

Do you offer bulk or special orders?
If you are interested in purchasing in large quantities (10 or more of an item), please contact us with your request.